Ability to Find, Select and Analyse information
- Being able to identify the appropriate technology to find information online.
- Being able to evaluate the reliability, validity and bias of online information.
- Using technology to develop and embed an ‘online epistemology’ culture.
Staff and student can search and evaluate appropriate information quickly, encourage students to look at online information from a critical perspective, raising academic standard, enhance individual research skills, reduce a ‘snatch and grab’ philosophy.
What Works:
- Find and evaluating information sources using external search engines and the LibraryOne search
- Analysing information using mind maps and computational engines (i.e. wolfram alpha)
- Being able to use NTU Learning Repository and Open Education Resources (OERs) effectively
- Using RefWorks to reference and cite information correctly
Links to NTU CAS Digital Literacy Framework: Information literacy.
Further information on internal & external resources to support Digital Literacies.